Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Sunday, July 10, 2005
2:41:18 PM PDT Feeling Happy
Wow, my first blog entry.
I've never really been one to keep a diary or anything like that, but I decided that I have had so much fun reading other's blogs that I needed to start writing one of my own.
I guess that I decided to start this mainly because Sherri and Bunni asked me to write the chronicles from the Tuesday evening "Open Knitting Night" at The Yarn Corner at Wiitimaki's (hereafter referred to as TYC). So, now that it has been nearly a month since we met for the first time and I have forgotten almost everything that happened, I suppose that I should start writing about it!

Open Knitting Night #1
So, the innagural "Open Knitting Night" occurred on Tuesday June 14th at 7:00 pm. What a fun group of people. I apologize for forgetting some names, please send corrections or gentle reminders for ommissions or misspellings. Present were: Sheri, Bunni, 2 of Bunni's sisters, Beau, Ronnie, Pallas, Amber and me.
We shared some of our finished and ongoing projects. Amber showed her felted needle holders, I think that Bunni had her Kilt socks (but that might have been a different day at TYC), and I recall getting some teasing about my growing collections of lonely single socks (*to be discussed at a later is slowly (or quickly) getting worse). I apologize that I seem to have completly forgotten what everyone else was working on.
We were all having a great time knitting, laughing and drinking coffee,...then...Ronnie's phone rang. She answered, looked bewildered and said that she would be right there. She then hung up the phone and looked at us and said "I have to go, there is a tsunami warning!" We were all still looking at each other when the store phone rang and it was Bonnie telling us all to leave the store because of the warning.
So we all quickly picked up and went home. We were all happy to find out over the course of the next few hours that we were not in any danger, thank goodness. What an eventful evening.

The next Kntting Night will be Tuesday June 12th, 7:00pm at TYC.

Will talk more later about current projects and my rapidly worsening case of the dredded disease of Second Sock Syndrom that my good friend Joy made even worse yesterday.


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