Tuesday, October 31, 2006

on making changes

I am continuing to struggle with the decision on whether to change to wordpress or stay with blogger.

There are a lot of reasons to do either one.

I like the ease of wordpress, it has been really easy to get to know it, I haven't had any troubles with posts, with adding pics, etc. It was very easy to set up a nice looking blog in a short time.

A few things I like about blogger - already set up, familiar, everyone know the address. Also, easy to post pics thru picasa once I save the pic on my computer. It has been relatively easy to change the template, even with the minimal skills I have.

What I don't like about blogger: troubles with posting more than one pic in a post, sometimes I can'tget any of the pics to upload! Recently I have had trouble even accessing my blog, or the dashboard on at least 3 different occasions.

On wordpress, I wish that there was the option to change the template for free. I am not opposed to paying for the blogging service...but...

So, my question is: what is everyone else's opinion? Should I stay here or move?


At Wed Nov 01, 02:11:00 AM PST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could help you with that decision, but I'm using neither of them and am pretty happy with that decision ;) What I've heard/read from other bloggers is that Blogger is obviously giving people lots of troubles, way too often. It seems Wordpress-users are happier! ;)

At Sat Sep 08, 10:53:00 PM PDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oración al Poderoso San Expedito

Mi San Expedito de las causas justas y urgentes, intercede por mi junto a Nuestro Señor Jesuscristo, para que venga en mi socorro en esta hora de aflicción y desesperanza. Mi San Expedito tú que eres el Santo guerrero. Tú que eres el Santo de los afligidos. Tú que eres el Santo de los desesperados. Tú que eres el Santo de las causas urgentes, protégeme, ayúdame, otorgándome: fuerza, coraje y serenidad. ¡Atiende mi pedido! (hacer el pedido).

Mi San Expedito, ayúdame a superar estas horas difíciles, protégeme de todos los que puedan perjudicarme, protege a mi familia, atiende mi pedido con urgencia. Devuélveme la Paz y la tranquilidad. ¡Mi San Expedito! Estaré agradecido por el resto de mi vida y propagaré tu nombre a todos los que tienen Fe. Muchas Gracias.


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