Sunday, October 29, 2006


I am thinking of making a change. Blogger gets frustrating sometimes...
I am trying out a wordpress blog right now. I started it yesterday, and like what I've seen so far, sorta.
here is the address

In the coming weeks I'll decide what I want to do. In the meantime, I'll be posting to both blogs.

Does anyone have any experiences or opinions they want to share? please let me know.

again, I have no knitting progress to show. I turned the heel on the pink sock, and started on the gusset, only to come to the realization that I might have made a huge error with the pattern - it will require some fussing and moving of stitches...drat!
I also started a shawl last night - and ripped it out this morning. And. NO, I haven't even touched the fair isle sock in days...


At Tue Oct 31, 06:17:00 AM PST, Blogger Chris said...

I love my wordpress blog... But I'm also not using one of the free ones at, so I probably can't add very much.


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