Sunday, June 04, 2006

The easy life..

Today's idea is all about making (blogging) life easier! ha

I went to Staples today in search of a card to upload pics to instead of emailing them to myself!
Well, I came out of there with this!:

A picture memory card - which is incredibly easy to use!! A mouse - so I don't have to use the touch pad anymore! A screen cleaner so that I can actually see what I am typing! And a nice lap desk - this will come in handy while I'm sitting on the couch or in bed and using the computer, as it sometimes gets pretty warm sitting in my lap. I'm using the desk now and it is very nice!


Sorta tired today! Joy and I had tickets to the Seattle Symphony last night. And I didn't get home until nearly 1:30. Joy tried to talk some sense into me and have me stay at her place until this morning, but I hadn't brought anything that I needed for overnight with me, expecially the muscle releaxants, since my neck was pretty sore last night. So, I got home late and then slept until almost noon today, and missed church for the 2nd week in a row!

The symphony was nice last night, not the best performance I've heard this year tho...the same clarinet seemed to be out of tune again, and during the Beethoven at least one of the basses kept hitting the frog of the bow on the strings or the bow on the side of the bass - not sure which, just sure that it was VERY distracting!


We made it to Seattle early, since we were expecting heavier traffic because there was a Mariners game, but it was an easy quick drive! So we went to the Seattle Japanese Garden. I had not been able to stop there before - just driven by twice and really wished that I had time! What a beautiful place! (the colors are a bit washed out in this first picture, but it is really pretty!)

(I like this picture, except that it looks a bit like it is in technicolor! All dressed up and ready for going to the concert!)

Well, I thought that it would be fun to try and get this in the picture screen and then rotate it so that it was straight, but I just can't seem to do that -- so You'll just have to tilt your head to get the right view sorry!

Here is a fun picture of Joy and I!

OK, so here's the bit of knitting content for the day: I finished the yellow flower petal washcloth, but forgot to take a picture! I knit 1 row of mom's sock in the car while Joy drove...knitting while riding in a car and on percocet don't really go together well...I have to tink out a row later today! I also purchased this book! Wonderful!

Well, I better go and fix the mistakes in my mom's socks. Then going to dinner at a friend's home tonight.


At Sun Jun 04, 08:42:00 PM PDT, Blogger Sherri said...

Fun fun fun! I need a lap desk too. Can't wait to see the book!


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