Food for thought
This is my second try at this entry. I had typed for nearly an hour last night…(of course I typed it in word then tried to copy into the blog publisher) Do you think that I had thought to save what I had so carefully thought out and typed? Of Course NOT! I tried to connect to the internet and my computer completely locked up and I lost everything that I had typed. I will try to remember what I had typed.
Last night was quite a night after the computer incident, but I will get to that later…
I get together with a group of friends about once a month for a potluck dinner and then a Bible study. We met last night and had a good discussion over the texts that were included in the study. It was limited somewhat because most everyone was pretty tired.
We usually use a study that is from PLU’s Office of Church Relations. They usually have a study based on the coming Sunday’s designated texts.
This week’s texts were: Isaiah 56:1, 6-8; Psalm 67; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32; and Matthew 15:10-28.
- The questions for discussion were:
o What do you consider Holy in your life?
o What challenges these Holy things in your life?
o Who do you think are the “outsiders” in today’s culture?
o What do you think is God’s word to these outsiders?
o How do you deal with the areas of scripture where Jesus seems abrupt (i.e.: Matt 15:24-26)?
o How do you think violence in the media is affecting our culture and our faith? [I would just leave out the ’violence’ and just leave it at media…]
I am going to leave many of my thoughts about these questions un-typed for now, several reasons: 1: too lazy to try and type them again after losing what I typed last night, 2: Not fully formed coherent ideas yet…
I thought a lot about these texts being the designated texts for this specific Sunday (13th Sunday after Pentecost). It is interesting and thought provoking that these are the texts for this weekend especially considering the proposals that the ELCA voted on at the National Assembly on Friday. [If you are not aware it was regarding gay/lesbian/etc: pastors, blessing of unions, etc…] Most everyone reading this already knows my feelings about this issue since we have talked about it a few times in last months.
I will leave the Bible study discussion at this point – just some food for thought!
Mom is doing better, but still not sure when she might be going home from the hospital, probably not for a few more days. I will give more details later.
I discovered last night just how much stress I am under and that my body was saying “ENOUGH!!”:
I began to feel somewhat ill around 8:30pm or so, and by 9:30 I was having some pretty strong stomach cramps, in my upper abdomen and wrapping around to my back – only the cramps, nothing else. By 11:30 they were so bad I was almost doubled over in pain so decided that the emergency room was the smartest place to be. Well, by the time I finally saw the doc at almost 3:30am the cramps were mostly gone and all the blood tests came back normal. The doc thinks that it could have been a gallstone; I had an ultrasound this morning and haven’t heard any official results yet (the tech said that she didn’t see anything alarming.) Everyone I talked to today votes for stress as the most likely cause. Granted, I know that I am under a lot of stress, but I can hardly believe that I could have stomach cramps that severe and have no actual physical real cause. I guess that I will find out more tomorrow when I see my doc.
So, I had planned to get the pink purse finished today, but that was before I was up most of the night in the ER. Maybe I’ll finish it in the next day or two. It will be a miracle if I have enough of the pink yarn to finish, if I end up with any left, it will be no more that a few inches I bet!
I’ll try to figure out (soon) how to email myself the digital pics that my phone can take. Maybe soon I will be able to post pictures here.
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